River of Gold: Precolumbian Treasures from Sitio Conte
October 11, 2009 - March 28, 2010
This exhibit presents more than 120 exquisitely crafted pieces of Precolumbian goldwork from the University of Pennsylvania Museum's 1940 excavations at the ancient cemetery site of Sitio Conte in what is now central Panama. The exhibition includes large embossed plaques, cast pendants and nose ornaments, gold-sheathed ear rods, and necklaces of intricate beads-as well as polychrome ceramics, and objects made of precious and semi-precious stones, whale-tooth ivory, and bone.
In the first section of the exhibit, visitors are introduced to the
geographical setting of central Panama
and the excavations at Sitio Conte. The exciting story of the dramatic find of
a multi-grave burial containing a wealth of gold is told through site
photographs, maps, drawings, even a video from the original color film of the
archaeological team. The second section reconstructs lifestyles of Precolumbian
society in ancient Panama.
The third section analyzes the tantalizing iconography found on Sitio Conte
goldwork and ceramics to help viewers interpret aspects of a long-lost
ideology. The sophisticated metallurgical processes by which the goldsmiths of
Sitio Conte achieved extraordinary results are thoughtfully explained in the
final section of the exhibition.
River of Gold
is not only visually stunning. It also gives viewers an invaluable glimpse into
a Panamanian society as it was 1,000 years ago.